Please email us at [email protected] if you need any additional information or if you have any issues with the disclaimer on our website.

Notices Regarding Jobs King BD

All of the content on this website,, is published solely for general informational purposes and in good faith. Regarding the correctness, dependability, and completeness of this information, Jobs King BD makes no guarantees. Please note that you are fully responsible for the actions you take based on the information provided on this website (Jobs King BD). When using our website, Jobs King BD assumes no liability for any losses or damages.

By checking on hyperlinks to these external websites, you can visit other websites from our website. It is not our responsibility to regulate the nature or content of the websites we link to, even though we strive to only link to trustworthy and useful sites. These links to other websites aren’t necessarily recommendations of the information on those websites. Before we have a chance to remove a link that may have gone “bad,” site owners and content are subject to change at any time.

Also, our website may contain terms and privacy policies that differ from those of other websites, which we do not control when you leave. Before conducting any transaction or uploading any information, please make sure to review the “Terms of Service” and Privacy Policies of these websites.


It is your responsibility to read and understand our disclaimer before using our website.


Whenever we make updates, modifications, or adjustments to this document, we will clearly announce them here.